
Sarah's Surprise

It is Sarah's first day in the cafe. A man comes into the cafe, takes some food, but does not give any money to Sarah. What does she do?
. Sarah starts work at The Lagoon cafe today. Coming people Man or woman, child etc... Everyone eating different such as ice cream or sandwiches, drink. Mrs. Hayes goes out. A man comes into the cafe. He asks Sarah, "Hello. Is Janet here?" Sara says, "Janet? I'm sorry. I don't know Janet." Suddenly, the man takes some sandwiches. He puts them in his bag. He takes an apple, too. Sarah watches him. She is surprised. She think, "Oh! He's taking the sandwiches." The man does not give the money to Sarah. He says nothing. He walks out of the cafe with the food. Sarah calls police. A police officer comes to the Lagoon. Back to Mrs. Hayes. The Man was Mrs. Hayes hasband. He gets his sandwiches here every day. So surprised Sarah. Exquisite imitation.

163 words,/6,664

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and other matters...

Today we watched the trailer for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, a movie that's coming out this summer. It looks pretty exciting.

This movies I am fast time watched fells fearful. Because, Apes was human first base there cause a war.

42 words,/6,501


20. Public transportation


Shinkansen Line. upholstery


Train commuter pass. This IC card was use streetcar.

14 words,/6,459



Dear Justin,


Hi there! I’m looking for a penpal from the USA. I received your profile from international pen friends.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Haruka Yamamoto. I’m 19 years old, and I’m from Kumamoto, Japan. Kumamoto is very good place. I’m a first year student at Kumamoto Gakuen University majoring in English. I live with my family, and I have one brother and one dog. I work part time as a Guidance of the racetrack. In my free time, I like to watch American drama.

88 words,/6,445


Dear Tim Johnson.



  Hi there! I’m looking for a penpal from the USA. I received your profile from International Pen Friends.



  Let me introduce myself. My name is Haruka Yamamoto. I’m 19 years old, and I’m from Kumamoto, Japan. Kumamoto is very good place. I’m a first year student at Kumamoto Gakuen University majoring in English. I live with my family, and I have one brother and one dog. I work part time as a Guidance of the racetrack. In my free time, I like to watch American drama and care of niece. etc…



  I have few questions for you. What kinds of books do you like? What kinds of history do you like? Do you interests Japan? Do you know Kumamoto, japan? If you have any questions about me, please feel free to ask.



  Please write back to me and tell me about yourself. I have attached many pictures so you know what I look like. Please send me know you and learning more about you.



Take care,



170 words,/6,357


 The Titanic was the largest passenger steamship in the world when it set sail from Southampton, England to New York City in 1912. No other ship has captured the world’s attention quite like the Titanic did. Constructed to be unsinkable, the first class ocean liner set sail on April 10 that year. The world has awaited the maiden voyage of this luxury liner for years.

 Then, on Sunday, April 14, four days after it began its voyage, the Titanic was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean when tragedy struck. At 1:45 p.m. messages were sent from another ship telling the crew of the Titanic that large ice bergs lay, in its path. However, since the Titanic’s radio operators were concerned with relaying messages to and from the passengers, they did not report the message about the icebergs to the bridge.

 That night, which was freezing cold the ocean was calm and the moon was not visible, even though the sky was clear. At 11:0 p.m., two members of the crew on the bridge spotted a large iceberg and telephoned the senior officer, exclaiming, “Iceberg, right ahead!” When the ship struck the iceberg, many people on board were drinking and socializing. So they did not notice the sudden jarring movement of the ship. The crew, on the other hand, soon realized that the Titanic would sink.

 Sadly, there were not enough lifeboats before departure because it wanted to make the Titanic look good. However, this was a big mistake. It resulted in the deaths of 1,513 people that night. Of the 2,228 passengers and crew members who set sail, only about 700 of the Titanic passengers survived.

 I thought it was surrounded by a solid 'wall' of class in British society at the time, and upper-class aristocrats and millionaires, lower class middle class, such as teachers, engineers, officers, workers belonging to disjoint. For example, train seats and won the first, 2 and 3, and distinction, people were even choose class belongs his seat.

 I think in 'titanic' being brought in as gap in British society at the time. Rose and Jack rose was third class cabin guests first class cabin, Jack. Is a tremendous gap that the shipping cost of the Titanic's first class cabin is 870 pounds, 2 class cabin is 13 pounds, 3 cabin is 3 to 6 pounds. Design dining room and aisles are doorways in all, meet each other that not even was. It is truly a microcosm of British society at the time. Was the mechanism by which men and women do not love beyond the class gap and brought love field. It is was predisposed to to love among the upper class in social circles.

453 words,/6,187


Vacation plans

I will leave for Minnesota in July. It’s my first time abroad! I am feeling mixed. I hope to experience us culture and speaking English to the best of my ability. I also want to share those experiences with those around me when I return they can also understand us culture. It’s my first time speaking with native speakers. When I was a child, my English teacher was Philippine but, her Japanese was very good. I hope to listen to real English and clearly spoken English! And, My family, cousin every summer vacation went to camping annual. Etc…

100 words,/5,734

About blogging

KGU sophomore started Blog. First difficult for me but, now like it. Write my filling or daily. But, grammar is very very difficult for me. It is my life, part time job, feeling, Write up to blog. Blog is communication means so good. But, public it attention personal information, picture up to blog think for me. Looks like Twitter, Facebook, blog. But, important each other communication for SNS. Good point and bad point have both. I want to using twitter and blog. I hard to blog everyday 8,000 words not finished now. This summer I go to Minnesota summer study abroad finished early.

104 words,/5,634

Your on topic(My niece)

My niece name is Kaede now 9 month. Birthday is September 15th. My family and cousin everyone love kaede. She has started crawling, Bye-bye, clap-clap. All moving cute for us. Usually reading picture book and singing a song with me. I hope to speaking English her. Each other communication using English in the future. Even so I study English more hard. Born to she change my feeling because, eating, walk, smile, crying, sleep all especial. I want to mother in the future. I will be more love in the future.

92 words,/5,530

Detective Dinosaur LOST AND FOUND

"Help! Baby Penny is lost!" This sounds like a job for Detective Dinosaur and Officer Pterodactyl! The        prehistoric police pair from DETECTIVE DINOSAUR is back on the beat with new cases to crack. But what will happen when Detective Dinosaur loses his way in the dark? Will he be found at a loss?
This story was found baby and stolen a taxi so interesting adventured. Jumping bunny and cat this scene. Police is fearful small animal so very fun. and police was dinosaur.

Penny: 女性の名
Detective: 探偵
diaper: おむつ
puddle: 水たまり
foggy: 霧の多い

著者 : James Skofield
発売日 : 1999-02-27
105 words,/5,438

Third Person

Today we watched the trailer for Third Person. The film was show for the recently in Japan. I am not watched this kind movies. because very hard for me horror or dreadful story. I first time see the cast Liam Neeson

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Host Family conversation

Host Family conversation
Haruka Yamamoto 

◆ 今日の予定や帰宅時間を話すには? 

I have plans today. 
 ➡ホストファミリーの予定を聞くにはWhat are you doing today?
I’m gonna go to an amusement park today. 
 ➡gonnaはgoing toの省略で、口語では頻繁に使われます。 
I will come home about 6 pm.
 I will come home by 7 pm.
 ➡時間については、by 6 pm.「午後6時までに」やat 6 pm「午後6時に」と置き換えられます。 

◆ 出かけるときの挨拶や会話は? 

See you later.
「じゃあね」「あとで会いましょう」 I’m going now.「行ってきます」
Have fun.「楽しんでね」 
Have a good day.「いい1日を」 
➡これは先に出かけるホストファミリーにかけたい言葉。自分が言われたらThank you, I will.「ありがとう、そうするよ」と答えることができます。 You look nice!「(ホストファミリーの外見を見て)すてきですね!」

 ◆ 食事のときに伝えたい感情や知っていると便利なフレーズは? 

Smells good! 
Can I have something to drink? 
 Could you pass me the salt? 
May I have this piece of chicken? 
 Looks delicious. 
「おいしそう」 This is yummy! 
It tastes great! 
 ➡yummy「おいしい」は、単Yummy!やYum!とも言います。頻繁に使いますが、もともとは赤ちゃん言葉なので、子どもっぽく聞こえる場合もあります。そのほかにIt’s tasty. 「おいしい」など、独特な風味や食べたことのない味をポジティブに表現したいときに使えます。日本人がよく使うdeliciousは「おいしい」の最上級的な扱いで言うことが多く、日常的に頻繁には使いません。 Thank you, but I’m full. 「ありがとうございます。(でも)おなかいっぱいです」
 It was wonderful dinner. 
➡食事を提供されたときは、日本語で言う「ごちそうさま」は、英語にはないので、感想を言ってThank you.と伝えましょう。感想を言うときには、So so.「まあまあです」などネガティブな表現は避けましょう。口に合わないときはIt’s good.などと言って以降食べなければ、ほとんどの場合はやんわりと伝わる可能性は高いと言えるでしょう。

118 words,/5,292


The Princess and the Pea

This story is  Once upon a time, there lived a prince. He was very lonely and wanted to get married. The   prince looked high and low for the perfect wife, but hand no luck. He could not find a real princess anywhere!

I like this story point's 'Pea' meaning. Pea meaning is lucky and love symbol. I know this meaning princess is so good person. and princess is very gentle. The prince had a plan to find out. First, he put a tiny pea on a bed. Second, he piled 20 mattresses on top of the pea. Third, he piled 20 quilts on top of the mattresses. but, the next morning, the princess can not sleep. give trouble. Ending was get married.

stormy: 暴風雨
muddy: 泥だらけの
yawn: あくび

55 words,/5,174

21 Jump Street and 22 Jump Street

Today we watched two trailers: 21 Jump Street and 22 Jump Street. 21 Jump Street  was originally a serious TV series starring Johnny Deep. It is my image of Johnny Deep was Pirates of the Caribbean.
Story of very interesting because, high school in bring the drag find the culprit. I first time met actors.

55 words,/5,119

21 Jump Street and 22 Jump Street

Today we watched two trailers: 21 Jump Street and 22 Jump Street. 21 Jump Street  was originally a serious TV series starring Johnny Deep. It is my image of Johnny Deep was Pirates of the Caribbean.

36 words,/5,064

Host Family letter ②

Good evening!

Right now it is June 14, 13:10 am in Japan:^)

Thank you reply by letter e-mail immediately.
I am part time job now♩♩

Anna and David is my English teacher!
Are you ok? please teach me English!

Good night

41 words,/5,028

Host Family letter ①

Hi! Mr.Jonathan,
Thank you reply to Gmail.
Photo baby is my cousin baby.
Name is Kaede! 8 month

Minnesota is midnight?
Sorry late time send Gmail.

26 words,/4,987


Host family letter

Dear Mr.Jonathan and Ms.Faith

My name is Haruka Yamamoto please call me Haru! I live in Kumamoto, Japan. I would like to thank you very much for having me at your home from July 20 for one month. I look forward to becoming the part of your family.

Let me introduce my family, we are family of 5, my parents (Father, Kouichi 47 years old and Mother, Kazumi 43 years old), younger brother (Ryo 18 years old), one's grandmother (Yasuko 78 years old), and me. I am 19 years old (this year adult! my birthday September 8.). and go to KGU. I like Track and Field and English, animal, children, listen to music, watching movies, etc...

I am very excited to learn English and culture while my stay. I hope I can talk with you in English.

I will be arriving at Minneapolis-Saint Paul International airport 12:50 a.m. on July 20. I will go to Bethel University from July 21.

and please answer my question.
①. Mr.Jonathan and Ms.Faith how old are you?

②. Do you have any pets? and have children?

③. What do you image of Japan?

Japan is June 13. 22:49 now(﹡ˆᴗˆ﹡)

See you soon there


Haruka Yamamoto

206 words,/4,961


Your own topic(seif-introduce)

Let me introduce myself. My name is Haruka Yamamoto. I’m 19 years old, and I’m from Kumamoto, Japan. Kumamoto is very good place. I’m sophomore student at Kumamoto Gakuen University majoring in English. I live with my family, and I have one brother and one dog. I work part time as a Guidance of the racetrack and Japanese style hotel. In my free time, I like to watch American drama. This summer I go to Minnesota one month because, summer study abroad. I am first time foreign countries.

91 words,/4,755

About my keitai

I use iphone. but, I use sumartphone recently. iphone is so good, design and form, size, function. I alwawys using LINE and Twitter app it is very convenient and delightful. Twitter is watching foreign countries information and gossip item. Other is writing blog. Summer Study Abroud class using keitai. Judy teacher say 'Using keitai!' because, show the photo home work. Easy up to photo and write. When I have keitai junior high school student already lay it aside right now. The next generation keitai I want to use. I wait new iphone 

92 words,/4,664

Grocery store

Super kid



Drugstore Mori

Drugstore purport display

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The KGU cafeteria


School launch and curry and rice.

convenience store

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Sightseeing in kyushu

Kyusyu is Kumamoto, Fukuoka, Kagoshima, Nagasaki, Oita, Miyazaki, Saga, 7 prefecture. so many good tourist spot.

Kumamoto prefecture is Mt.Aso, Hot spring, Kumamoto Castle, Nature, etc...
Kumamoto Castle is historic spot.
Hot spring is winter season float Banpeiyu(Kumamoto prefecture famous fruit).  Name is Banpeiyu bath.
Mt.Aso caldera famous all over the world. Caldera the volcano is now active.

Kagoshima prefecture is Sakurazima, Ibusuki, Kagoshima aquarium etc...
Sakurazima is active volcano always eruption Kagoshima city is volcanic ash fell from the sky.
Kurobuta is good taste.
City is many bronze statue.

Nagasaki prefecture is many historical buildings.
Orion Press, Japan

Please go to sightseeung in kyushu.

106 word,/4,554

Edge of Tomorrow revisited

Today's we watched Edge of Tomorrow, Many famous actor and actress appear but I don't know him and her. 

Edge of Tomorrow, and other matters

 Today's we watched Edge of Tomorrow, Many famous actor and actress appear but I don't know him and her

19 words,/4,448


cooking meal

It is my part time job place board. I almost Japanese style hotel part time job.

made sarada.

Cooking cmelet.

Making a strawberry jam.

fish powder rise. egg and beef and rice.

32 words,/4,351

Break fast

One day it is my break fast! Olmost rise but, sometimes bread. I like both.

Orange juice is absolute every morning.

I love chocolate cornflakes. but, my mother say it is not brake fast!

Popular breakfast. Boiled rice, egg fried sunny-side over, vienna sausage.

44 words,/4,319


Sightseeing in Kyushu

 There are many good sightseeing places in Kagoshima, for example Sakurazima, Ibusuki, Kagoshima aquarium, etc...
 I will introduce Sakurazima. Sakurazima is active volcano always eruption kagoshima city is volcanic ash fell from the sky. Kagoshima prefecture weather forecast volcanic ash direction teache. and food is good Kurobuta is so good taste. City is many bronze statue. The streets are lined with rows of stores and house.

 There are many good sightseeing places in Nagasaki. Nagasaki is many historical buildings. 

78 words,/4,429

Using the computer

I am always using the computer because typing speed homework, Power Words, Summer study abroad blog, etc... I almost KGU library because, in my home computer broken by I moreover 2 times. My Mother gets angry 'Never buy computer!' mother say. Very inconvenience sophomore using computer many time almost homework use have to it. I want to Mac book because, writing lecture using Mac computer function, speed, designs I like. I now use the computer so this Typing speed homework. Finished next write a blog so, writing homework them is sightseeing in Kyusyu.

93 words,/4,275


Sightseeing in Kumamoto

 There are many good sightseeing places in Kumamoto, for example, Mt. Aso, Hot spring, Kumamoto Castle, Nature, etc...

 I will introduce hot spring. Hinagu Hot spring,there are many Japanese style hotel and Hot spring. Winter season float Banpeiyu(Kumamoto prefecture famous fruit). Name is Banpeiyu bath. Another Mother's Day float carnation bath. There is very beautiful and makes you feel relax.

 Another introduce Mt. Aso. Mt.Aso caldera famous all over the world. Caldera the volcano is now active. Crater send up smoke and volcano emitting smoke, crater bottom water is very emerald green. It is pleasantly cool here summer season so good.

 Kumamoto Castle is very historical buildings. Interior design using gold and view from castle is splendid.

117 words,/4,182

Do You Speak English?

 Today we are watched a comedy sketch featuring Simon Pegg on YouTube. It was she said 'Excuse me, do you speak English?' Two guys say no! Bothe American using speak English. It is point very fun   to me. she is trouble. 'I'm in a fix because I have a broken car.'

51 words,/4,065