“Seventeen-year-old” Kyle (Alex Pettyfer) is the spoiled, shallow and incredibly popular prince of his high school kingdom. Entirely captivated and empowered by his own physical appearance, Kyle foolishly chooses Kendra (Mary-Kate Olsen) as his latest target for humiliation. But things are not as they seem and the disgraced Kendra, a witch masquerading as a high school student, enacts the perfect revenge. Transforming Kyle into someone as unattractive on the outside as he is within. Now he has one year to find someone to love him, or Beastly he will remain forever. To break the spell, Kyle must discover a beauty who can see past the surface. His only hope, a quiet classmate he never noticed named Lindy (Vanessa Hudgens), may be his best chance to prove that love is never ugly.
This move is modern day Beauty and the beast. Remake this Beastly. Japanese meaning ひどい、けだもののような not good meaning. But, story of love. I like this story. Kyle (Alex Pettyfer) good looking guy and he is overconfidence. He say "No one win world, the filled with beautiful" vanity parsonality. Change the Beastly style... back to found true love. Therefore His only hope, a quiet classmate he never noticed named Lindy (Vanessa Hudgens). I favorite scene is Kyle any expensive present give Linda. But she not want. She would not accept the present. It is of high quality, but rooftop made alpine meadow very pleased. I think true love everything accept one's partner.
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