

 Our group made an original country named "Dienamland" in this 1192 project.  Dienamland is located due west of the world. And Dienamland is a small island but the weather is mild climate and sunny day throughout a year. But rain is a little bit. And Dienamland has a population of about 100,000. In addition, the ratio of men and women in this country is peaceful. Dienamland's capital is "Nam." And they can speak English, but they have original language called "Dim language." Dienamland's famous and traditional food is sugar cane. They are producing a lot of sugar cane in the world. And they have a lot of original dishes like sweets that uses sugar cane. And this country focusing on experience havest sugar cane. 

 And in addition, famous sightseeing place is "Seven Lakes." There are seven beautiful lakes. First lake is named "Flower Lake." There is filled with a lot of colorfuc flowers. Second lake is named "Nass Lake." There is Nassy into this lake, but it is not yet known whether there is Nassy. But Dienamland people said, if we see this creature, we will become happy.  Third lake is named "Rice Lake." There is a lot of rice too. Fourth lake is named "Sea Lake." This lake is filled with sea water, so there are a lot of fishes. People can get fish from this lake. Fifth lake is named "Fruit Lake." There is a variety of fruit like strawberry or peach or cherry in this lake. All of people like this lake's frerh fruits. Sixth lake is named "Candyfloss Lake." There is a lot of colorful candyfloss. Because this is Dienamland's famous sweet that made by sugar cane. And finally is named "Star Lake." There is filled with a lot of stars. So it's a fantasy view from there.

 And there is a long unique river named "Soumen River." Soumen is flowing this river. People like Soumen except sugar cane. Dienamland's religion is "Dinduism." And they have traditional clothes that off shoulder style cloth. And the currency of Dienamland is the Diesa.
This currency resembles Japanese currency "Enn." And this country have original credit card called "Diesa card." We can pay by this credit card. Dienamland is very unique and eucited conutry, so please go to this country if you guys get to a chance. We recommend this country.

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